Saturday, October 4, 2008

The End of an Era. . .

Sad news, ladies and gentlemen. My beloved active student who I've mentioned in my last few posts has transfered to another school. It was a decision made by her whole family, which will make their lives much easier since her new school is closer to home. Her final day with us was on Thursday, and that afternoon we had a good-bye party for her, complete with cupcakes, dancing, and a friendship circle in which all the children had to mention something that they'll miss about her. Things mentioned were, "I'll miss how she lets me cut her in line," "I'll miss playing games with her in math, " and "I don't know."

I wish the young lady well in her new school. . . and I will pray for her new teacher.

Now my classroom is down to 16 students, 2 of whom were absent on Friday. Man, was it a good Friday!

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