Monday, March 19, 2012

It's Time to Rock n' Roll!

My 12 week training program started this week.  I'm following the Hal Higdon Half Marathon - Novice 1 Program.  It's been so cold this winter that my running habits are struggling just a little bit.  I've only been running 3-5 miles about once a week, down from my 3-5 miles 3-5 times a week.  Now, just 12 weeks out from the race, it's time to really get my booty in gear.  As part of my program, I'm also incorporating a little kick boxing on Mondays and Wednesdays.  G joined the downtown 24 Hour Fitness club, so we are taking the Turbo Kick class together.  Today was our first day, and it kicked our asses.  But it hurt so good!  Back on the grind tomorrow!

I figured if I blog about it, I'm putting it out there and I really really have to hold myself accountable throughout this training process.  It's my first long race, and I gotta make sure that these little legs can go the distance. 

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