Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Snow Brings City Lights and New Recipes

For the last couple of days, Seattle has been covered in ice. Automobiles have been skidding through intersections, people have been falling on the sidewalks, small businesses around South Lake Union are closing at earlier hours, and many folks have decided to just stay home. Auntie Lita and Mel are in town for the holidays, and I couldn't even drive down to my parents' house and see them! To add to the horrible outdoor conditions, it began to snow yet again today in the early afternoon. And the snow still falls as I blog at 10pm. Looking out my window over 9th Ave, I see that what was a super slick road this morning is now a crunchy white path.

As Ardon and I just sat at home, we watched the snow fall and fall and fall and fall. We were getting cabin fever, and we weren't going to let the snow get in the way of fun. We thought it would be fun to bundle up, grab the cameras and face what news reporters are calling the December Freeze. So, that is exactly what we did, and it was all so beautiful. The snow was falling, the ground was covered in white and hardly uninterrupted by tire tracks, the streets were lined with lighted trees, and it really felt like Ardon and I were the only people left in Seattle. Sometimes you couldn't even tell where the sidewalk ended and the road began because the snow had piled on so thick. After about a half hour of walking around the area in the frigid cold, we headed home. If we had stayed out any longer, our noses would have frozen off of our faces. We had pretty much frozen our bodies out there, and we instantly began to thaw as soon as we entered the warm condo. It was a perfect moment for comfort food, so I got out some recipes and filled the condo with sweet and savory aromas. So, while the snow storm put the city's hustle and bustle to a screeching hault, I managed to have a lovely day.

9th Ave directly in front of the condo.
Ardon stood in the middle of the road and jumped for the camera.
Usually at 5pm on a Saturday, this would be a much busier road.

The snow, lit by the street lamp, falling on Ardon.

Westlake Ave. Not a car in the road--a complete rarity. The lights were pretty.

The Space Needle from 9th Ave and Harrison.

After coming home, I baked some of my special Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.

And I cooked Tinola for the very first time!
It was a success. The warm soupy broth with the chicken, baby bokchoy, and papaya over warm rice was so good on a cold day. It's truly my idea of comfort food.


Unknown said...

Cat, try taking streetcar (free until 12/26) to I Love Sushi. Happy hour sushi from 4-6 mon-fri. We did that Friday. U. Ray

Unknown said...

You know what would go good with that....a nice cup of hot cocoa, stirred with a candy cane...and some tater tots from Mennigans! Yes, bring on the taters!