Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seattle Snow: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

The snow accumulation on my deck measured about an inch and a half at around noon. And the snow is still falling, but even harder now! If downtown is this bad, I could only imagine how much worse it is in the surrounding areas.

9th and Harrison.
Cars have been skidding through this intersection all morning. This guy's tires spun a little after the light turned green.

The parking lot across the street. Notice the Audi having a bit of fun as he exits the lot.

The tracks that the Audi left in the parking lot. Donut galore.

The Good (Actually, the GREAT):
My work load this week has been. . .
  • Monday - 2 hour delay
  • Tuesday - 2 hour delay
  • Wednesday - School Closed. A flake of snow did not even fall, and I got a lot of my Christmas shopping done--finally.
  • Thursday (Today) - School Closed. I get to catch up on the deep cleaning of my condo that I've been meaning to get done.
  • Tomorrow - Who knows? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for closures, and then Winter Break starts! I don't have to go back until January 5th.
I love my job this week!!!

The Bad: Roads are really awful today and I can't finish my shopping. The furniture that I'm expecting to be delivered to my condo are no longer going to come due to the bad road conditions. So, here I live in a rather empty home, which will remain empty until the weather improves. This is unfortunate because the relatives are coming to visit this weekend and there is nowhere to sit or nothing to show. Welcome to my home with some area rug, a TV, and a Christmas tree!

The Ugly: West Seattle is ugly right now. The snow is thicker than downtown and the roads are turning into ice skating rinks. I would say that of all Seattle, West Seattle has been hit the hardest by the storm so far. Because of this, I can't get to school to feed my poor fish! This could get really ugly.

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