Friday, September 26, 2008


Today we had a walking field trip to a P-Patch a couple of blocks away from our school. The children brought clipboards and a pencil so they can make observation drawings of the plants that were at the P-Patch. They've been so hyped about this field trip all week, and they were so fascinated by all the plants and creatures there. The entire trip took up 2 hours of our morning, and we were back in time for lunch.

When they got back from lunch, they were so grumpy! I think the field trip had exhausted them all, and there was constant arguing and tears, whining and tattling. They were all so tired that they just couldn't even handle the day anymore, and I had ended up having to put out so many fires.

I was consoling a child who was crying because he didn't have enough time to play on the monkey bars, and we were talking about the situation. He was crying hard enough to not be able to talk because of the stuttering inhale. I reached and gave him a prolonged hug, and as I was releasing from the hug, he dug his head into my stomach and wiped his nose on my sweatshirt! I looked down and took a deep breath, thinking to myself, "Oh HELL no! Are you kidding me?!"

It really was one of those "Calgon, take me away!" moments. I hope they all get good rest over the weekend.

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