Thursday, March 17, 2011

Back in Business

Before. January 2011

After. March 17, 2011

Back in December, the roof in my office leaked after the snow and the rain came pouring down. I walked into my classroom one morning and found debris and puddles on the floor in my office. Weeks later, district maintenance men shoved/dumped everything out of my office, and into my classroom, and sealed it all off. It was an absolute disaster and it continued to stay disastrous for months until yesterday, hoping that somebody will come in, fix it, and put it all back. Since they dumped everything, I hadn't been able to find anything I needed, I had no desk space, the children couldn't find books they wanted to read, and it seemed like they didn't care about a messy classroom. It was keeping me up at night. Earlier this week, I found out that we are now more uncertain about when it will be fixed. Apparently, the repair costs are higher than expected, so now they have to "bid it out." The good news is, the exterior is repaired, and the source of the leak has been addressed. Now the drywall in my office is the only thing left to fix. Chances are, it won't get done anytime this year because of budget cuts. Yesterday, I hit my breaking point. I'd had it! I wanted my classroom back! So, I got in the zone. I spent 3 hours after school last night, two hours before school this morning, and another 2 hours after school today sorting, organizing, purging, and just getting my classroom back together. And it feels good! I told my custodian that if he hears from them, please tell them to not come back until the summer. There's no way I'm going to go through this process again. I'm back in business and I'd like to stay that way.

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