Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 Deep Freeze

9th and Harrison, South Lake Union, Seattle

School was out today "due to inclement weather conditions."  Stuff has been coming down from the sky all day long--snow, rain, big flakes, small flakes, snow/rain mix, or freezing rain.  On top of that, we have been in freezing temps all day long, so it's sticking and turning to ice (which also means that school is out tomorrow as well.  I'm certainly not complaining.).

Ardon stayed the night at the hospital last night, and is stuck there again tonight, so I've been home alone all day long.  Actually, G, Devan, and Jasmine picked me up earlier this morning in G's Subaru and we muscled the car through the snow to have brunch at CJ's.  We were determined.  After that, we all went home again since it was really starting to come down, and we didn't want to get stuck anywhere.  I've been home by myself ever since. It's kind of funny how I suddenly become much more domestic when I'm stuck at home.  I have been quite busy today just doing things around the house.  I am feeling major cabin fever, and here are my symptoms:

1.  Hung up new picture frames on the wall.
2.  Re-arranged some home decor.
3.  6 loads of laundry washed, dried, and folded.
4.  Hand washed the dishes.  (I know, right?)
5.  Started packing for the Philippines trip, which is in a month.
6.  Dusted off my snow boots, bundled up, and walked 4 snowy blocks to the grocery store.
7.  Cooked chicken adobo.

Ironic how on a day with nothing to do, I get everything done!  By tomorrow, I'm sure the symptoms will be much worse.

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