Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hoping for Dragonflies

I spent the day with the cousins down in Tacoma today. Tan came home from Virginia on Thursday and it being one of the prettiest days of the year yet, we thought we would all get together and BBQ at G's house. Tan was outside on the deck, firing up the grill as always, when I decided to join him while everyone else was cooling off inside. We were sitting talking about his life in Virginia when suddenly a little baby dragonfly came flying between us. I said to Tan, "Dragonflies always remind me of Grandpa because whenever he would see one, he would catch it and show it off." We quickly re-focused the conversations back to Virginia. Then I went inside, helped prepare food, everybody ate, and we watched some TV.

The sun was still shining outside on the deck. Feeling full from all the BBQ, I went to back out onto the deck all alone to bask under the sun. As soon as I sat down, the little baby dragonfly came flying back. It circled around me, and landed on the elbow rest of my chair, its whole body facing me. It made me remember Grandpa again. Then I had a thought. Maybe this is Grandpa coming to say hello. I looked at it for a moment, it had fluttering iridescent wings, a bluish-green body, and copper eyes bulging from the sides of its face. I took the moment in. We sat on that chair under the sun, enjoying each other's company for a few minutes, and when it was ready, it flew away. In my head I thought, I hope I see you again.

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