Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

This past Monday was Grandpa Perfecto's 86th birthday. Every night since that night, I've had dreams of him and Grandma Nory. The first couple of nights, something really sad happened in my dreams where I would start crying, so I woke up to myself crying. We hear about crying yourself to sleep, but I've been crying myself awake. It actually kind of put a damper on the rest of my day. On the other hand, this morning I woke up a in a better mood since my dream with them was much happier.

After Grandma Nory passed on my 22nd birthday in 2003, I would occasionally have dreams about her. Grandpa Perfecto would always tell me that when I dream of her, that means she's visiting me. If that's the case, I guess Grandma and Grandpa are visiting me. They can visit me in my dreams all they want. I really miss them.

Cheers to you, Grandpa Perfecto. May you be silly, loveable, and wise forevermore. Give Grandma big hugs and kisses for me.

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