Monday, April 11, 2011

Diagnosis: Miserable

Last Thursday, I remember climbing into bed feeling unusually achy all over my body. I thought maybe I was just really exhausted. I woke up in the middle of the night still achy, but shivering, and got up to get a couple of extra blankets and turn up the heat--something I've never had to do before. Friday morning, I had very low energy and on my lunch break went to the nurse's office to check my temp. The thermometer read 101.6. Thank heavens for Ryan, Rachael, and Josh volunteering in the classroom that day, or else I would not have survived. Later that night my temperature peaked at 102.7. I have been bed ridden ever since I got home that afternoon, but I have no idea what I have. I just know that I feel pretty crappy. The symptoms change daily, but no real improvements. You name it, I got it.

- 24/7 headache
- post-nasal drip
- painful throat
- episodes of uncontrollable coughing
- diarrhea (TMI, I know)
- lost my voice
- cold sweats
- plugged ears

Did I miss anything? At this point, does it even matter? Crossing my fingers for a speedy recovery.

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