Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Eyes Have it!

I've been wearing make-up since 8th grade. Over the years, as any woman who has worn make-up for a long period of time, I've learned what works and what doesn't work on my face. There are a lot of facial elements that go into finding the perfect products for your face: your complexion, your skin type, your sensitivity factor, etc.

While I've found a lot of products for my make-up regimen that I love and am loyal to, I have struggled since day one to find my perfect mascara. In the morning my eyes would look cleanly lined and lashes neatly brushed and coated. By the end of the day, I'd have dark smudges of mascara under the outer corners of my lower lash line. Smiling a lot during the day would cause the mascara to smudge throughout the day =) In my lifetime, I have gone though a many many waterproof and smudgeproof mascaras (almost everything under the sun under those categories) and still the smudges would appear by the end of the day. At first I thought that maybe it was my eyeliner, so I switched from regular eye-liner to a smudgeproof eyeliner, and that helped a little bit, but the mascara seemed to be the culprit... until last week.

During my relaxing and sunny spring break here at home in Seattle, I took a little stroll downtown and went to Sephora to pick up some blush and mascara. I grabbed my blush, the one that I love and buy all the time. Then I started browsing the mascaras. As I looked around, I kept saying to myself, "I've tried that one. I've tried that one too... and that one. Oh, yes and that one." Then I finally approached the Dior shelf and came across the DiorShow Iconic Extreme Waterproof Mascara. I have tried other Dior mascaras that were almost what I wanted, but still needed a little more staying power. I like the Dior make-up line, so I thought I'd try it since I haven't yet. I came home, showered and did my whole make-up routine, ran some more errands, cooked dinner, and chilled out. When I looked in the mirror at the end of the night before going to bed, I noticed that my little eyes were smudge-free! I thought to myself, "Well, I didn't put my make up on in the morning and go all day with it. I wonder if it will stay up again tomorrow." The next day after wearing the mascara all day, I was still smudge-free. This is the real deal. Not only did it hold stay smudge-free, it also holds the curl! I've worn it for a whole week, and haven't experienced smudges yet!

My eye-lash dreams have come true! For any Asian women or any women out there who suffer from the outer-lower-lashline-smudge, this is the greatest investment and I HIGHLY recommend it. One little, tiny disadvantage to this mascara is that it takes a little bit more scrubbing off than any other mascaras that I've tried, but it's a very small price to pay for all-day stay. If you want to stay smudge-free, go for the DiorShow Iconic Extreme Waterproof mascara!

Even the brush is cool. They look like regular little bristles, but they're actually skinny, small rubber bristles. When you take the brush out of the tube, you'll find there's the perfect amount mascara on it. No clumps of excess come out of the tube with the brush, so your lashes don't clump either. I tell you, it's my perfect mascara! If I could marry this mascara, I would.

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