Sunday, June 29, 2008


As part of my "trying to work it out" kick, I went for a run yesterday. My Auntie Lita, my Manong Mark and his family, Tin, Michael and my parents were coming to visit me and I wanted to get a quick run in to start my day. I had the day all planned out. I would wake up early, go for a run along Lake Union, go to the store and get some fresh fruit to serve, clean up my apartment, get myself showered and ready, the guests would arrive, and then I'd go with them to sight-see around Seattle. That was the plan.

I felt good about my plan. I even woke up earlier than scheduled and got a head start on my day. I put my workout clothes on, grabbed my iPod and I hit the ground running. I was on my way down Mercer Street about 5 minutes into my run, when all of a sudden my right foot hit a patch of crooked concrete and my ankle rolled. . . HARD. (I'd rolled my ankle before, but it had never hurt this bad.) So, I had to stop because at the time, the pain was quite excruciating. Then I realized that my only way back home was to walk. I didn't have my cell phone with me, so I couldn't call anybody to pick me up. I could have stopped in QFC and asked to use a telephone, but I don't remember any numbers of friends who live close by. After about 5 minutes of squatting on the sidewalk and holding my ankle in pain, I got up and started limping back home. . . in tears (because I'm a big baby).

The tears were a result of physical pain and mental frustration. My thoughts were, My ankle is in serious pain and I have to walk all the way home on it? . . . and DAMN! I won't be able to do all the things I planned to do today. . . and I just want my mom! The pain had intensified and my ankle started to swell pretty bad, so when I got home I sat on the couch and put ice on it. I called my parents, told them what happened, and cried to them about how my ankle hurt and how I was frustrated. Then Tin called and she and Michael suggested to wrap it. I told them that I didn't have any Ace Bandage-like wraps, so Michael said pajama pants would do. After looking through my drawers, I found some leggings. They were stretchy and more Ace Bandage-ish, so I opted for the leggings (Ghetto, I know, but desperate times call for desperate measures). I sat on the couch for about an hour and half with my ankle wrapped and iced. It started to feel better, so I limped around to do a little tidying up and then got showered and ready for the guests to arrive.

When they arrived the ankle was topic of conversation. After consulting with 2 doctors (Auntie Lita and Manong Mark) and an athlete (Michael), I was diagnosed with a sprained ankle, so I'm out of commission for about 1-2 weeks (All my work out hopes and dreams are shattered). I knew I wouldn't be able to go around the city with everyone, but I really wanted to spend time with them. So, while my mom, Auntie Lita, Manong Mark and his family started walking to the Seattle Center, my dad drove Tin, Michael and me to Bartell's to buy an Ace Bandage and then he drove us to the Seattle Center to meet up with the rest of them for lunch. After lunch, I sat on a bench and watched Tin and Michael dominate the carnival games and win like 1000 prizes while the rest of them went up to the top of the Space Needle.

Although I didn't get to do the rest of the city tour with everyone, I was really thankful that they were willing to accommodate my gimp ankle. It was so nice to see everyone and hang out with them, even for just a short while.

Today my ankle feels different. There's not as much constant throbbing as there was yesterday, but it hurts more to walk on it. I'd put post a picture, but that requires me getting up and limping around to get my camera and the computer hook-ups, so pictures will have to come another time. . . Maybe in 1-2 weeks.

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