Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Baby Story

My sister Mar put my nanny services to use this week. From 7am Monday morning to 8:30pm Wednesday evening, I was a live-in nanny at her and her husband's house to help her with Isaac and Mia while Vince was at work. Needless to say, there was never a dull moment. Much props to Mar and Vince for doing it every single day and night. You go!

Over the last 3 days I've learned that teaching a classroom full of 6 and 7 year old children is easier than raising 2 of my own. I've also learned to take advantage of their nap time because you are on the go every single second that their eyes are open. I've helped her out before, but not for any longer than 8 hours, so this was definitely a learning experience for me. Nevertheless, I had a ton of fun. I always have fun with those kiddos.

Yesterday we went to the University Village to play, eat, and shop a little. When we arrived there, Mar stayed in the car as she fed Mia and I took Isaac straight to the playground area. I almost had a heart attack at one point because I thought he was going to fall from the top of the big toy all the way to the ground. Luckily, he got to the top and turned right back around to backtrack his way down. After feeding, Mar and Mia met us at the playground. It was time for the rest of us to eat too, so we went to a pasta restaurant in he village to get Isaac some of his favorite dish--Mac and Cheese! We all ate until Isaac got full, which didn't take long at all. He started to get antsy, so we decided to look around the stores. Our first and only stop was Pottery Barn Kids. Isaac had a blast because of the basketballs and the basketball hoop. Even more fun for him was the pink kid-sized baby stroller, with which he managed to run over some strangers' toes. Because he was such a threat to shoppers, I had to take the stroller away from him and return it back to the corner where it belonged. As I was putting it back, Mar was trying to talk to me, and mid-sentence Mar stops and says, "Isaac?" and no reply. She says it again, and still no reply. We start looking around the store a little, and no Isaac. Finally, Mar looks outside and there he is walking away from the store. Yikes! We decided it was time to start heading back home.

We start making our way to the car, and I'm pushing Mia's stroller without Mia in it. So, behind me is Mar holding Mia in the Baby Bjorn and holding Isaac's hand at the same time. We pass through the courtyard where people are eating at little bistro tables, and there's music playing. All of a sudden I hear Isaac fussing and Mar saying, "C'mon, Isaac, let's go," and then I hear her laughing. I look back and Isaac had stopped in the middle of the courtyard to dance to the music ("Just Another Day" by John Secada. LOL), and everyone is watching. He danced for maybe a good 3 or 4 minutes, keeping the diners and other passers by quite entertained. In the middle of his show, Mar told me to get him, so I walked over there and reached for his hand and he pushed me away and continued dancing. I you can't beat them, join them, so I took a step back and started dancing with him and he pushed me away again! He totally loved being in the spotlight! All the while, Mia was peacefully sleeping in her Baby Bjorn. It was the cutest thing. This was most certainly one of the highlights of my last 3 days.

I recorded some of Isaac's impromptu performance on my phone. Enjoy the show!

1 comment:

Mariel said...

Awww shucks, Auntie Cat, we love you so much for helping Mommy take care of us this week! Love you, Isaac & Mia