Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vegas Day 1 of 3

Operation: CELINE DION

Last June 2010, Mario and I saw that Celine Dion was back in town. To say we were ecstatic would be an understatement. He had me at "Celine Dion." Without hesitation, we instantly bought tickets. We were beside ourselves knowing that in just a couple of weeks we were going to see the show of a lifetime. As we started to pack our bags, we had a conversation that sounded like this... aaaaand Playback!

Mario: Kitty... Kitty... GUESS WHAT?! (Eyes bulging as he's looking at his calendar)
Me: What?...
Mario: We booked our ticket for July 20th, two-thousand ELEVEN!
Me: Shut the f**k up...

aaaand Scene! Yeah, apparently, we didn't do our research and bought our tickets FOR THE WRONG YEAR. In typical Mario and Cat fashion we made the most of the situation. We finished packing our bags, hopped in Mario's Honda Civic, and road tripped it down to Las Vegas anyway.

So here we are a year later. We're back and, at long last, we are going to see Celine Dion! Here are the adventures so far. Vegas, Take 2, aaaand Action!

Arrived in Vegas at 5:45pm. Temperature 106 degrees. I waited for about an hour for Mario to arrive. He flew in from Toronto at 6:50pm.

We cabbed it to the hotel together, and on the way witnessed a filming of "Cops" or something.

Finally got to our hotel, Treasure Island. We scored a sweet deal when we reserved. We got 2 free buffet tickets, 2 free lunch meals, free WiFi, and free access to the amenities.

After hours of traveling, we freshened up and took our free tickets and big appetites downstairs to the buffet!

Now, I don't know if it's food coma or just pure exhaustion, but it's almost midnight and I'm blogging... in Vegas. Need I say more? As Mario so brilliantly asked, "When did we become old?" To end a long day, shower and sleep.

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