Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Year in Review

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!  I can vividly remember last New Year's Eve, my cousins and I standing around my kitchen island and toasting at the end of the countdown.  We told each other that it's "our year."  We say that every year.  So, has 2011 really been my year?  Sure!  It started out pretty difficult, but as the year went on, everything just kept getting better and better and better.  Here are some of my highlights of 2011.

February:  We said good-bye to our beloved and sassy Grandma Mary.  We know she's partying it up up there.

February:  I cut bangs and still have them.  Yes, it's a highlight.

March:  5 days of Maui, baby!
June:  Finished my first year as a 4th and 5th grade teacher, after 5 years of teaching K/1, AND I earned my professional certificate.  It was quite a stressful career year, which is probably why there are no big highlights for April and May.

July:  Met Mario in Vegas for one mission--see Celine Dion!

August:  rented a house on San Juan with the cousins.  Epic 3 days together.

September:  Mom turned 60, and lookin' good.

October:  Signed up for my first half-marathon.  Stay tuned in June for how the "Rock 'n' Roll" went.

November:  Ardon threw a surprise party at my place for my 30th birthday.  He's awesome.  And OMG I'm 30?!

December:  Christmas with the family.  A highlight of every year.

That was it for 2011.  Bring on 2012!  It's gonna be my year.

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