Thursday, December 30, 2010

3 Kids. 3 Hours.

10:30am - Mar dropped off the kids. Curbside in front of my building.

10:35am - turned on Toy Story 3. Roman woke up. (That's what's happening in the picture)

10:45am - Mia was so over the movie. She wanted to play Bingo instead.

11:00am - Mia was over Bingo. She wanted to play with Isaac's Lightning McQueen laptop, which sent both kids into a frenzy. Auntie Cat came up with a solution--Let's draw! So, I got out all the markers and drawing paper, and they drew and drew.

11:30am - Auntie G and Uncle Ryan arrive! Yay! Auntie G feeds Roman.

11:45am - Started baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with the kiddos. I should have taken pictures of how they came out. Such funny shapes.

12:00pm - Mia started itching because I didn't know she was allergic to milk chocolate, and I only gave her 2 chocolate chips!

12:15pm - The kids ate lunch.

12:30pm - Mar came back and brought lunch for the rest of us. Gave Mia some Benadryl for her itching. Auntie Cat felt so bad she didn't know!

2pm - The Villas go home.

Whew! What a day!

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